Product Care

Q: How should I store the Ghasphus products?

For dry goods, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Seal the packaging tightly after each use. Perishable items should be refrigerated promptly according to the recommended storage temperature. Frozen items should be kept in a freezer at or below the specified temperature.

Q: What should I do about expiration dates on the Ghasphus products?

Always check the expiration or best-before dates indicated on the packaging. Consume the products before the specified date for the best taste and quality. Additionally, follow the "first in, first out" principle by using newer products behind older ones.

Q: How should I handle the packaging of Ghasphus products?

For unopened products, store them in their original packaging until ready to use. The packaging is designed to protect the product and maintain freshness. If a package is resealable, ensure it is sealed tightly after each use to prevent exposure to air or moisture.

Q: What should I do if I have a problem with a Ghasphus product?

If you encounter any issues or have concerns regarding a Ghasphus product, we encourage you to reach out to our customer support team at They will be dedicated to addressing your concerns and finding a resolution to ensure your satisfaction. Please provide as much information as possible, including the product details and any specific issues you have encountered.

Q: Can I return or exchange a Ghasphus product?

Due to the nature of organic food products, we do not accept returns or exchanges for items that have been opened or consumed. However, if you believe there is a quality issue or if the product has arrived damaged or spoiled, please contact our customer support team at within 2 days. We will assess the situation and work with you to find a suitable resolution.

Q: How does Ghasphus handle product quality issues?

Ghasphus takes product quality seriously and strives to provide the highest quality organic food products. In the rare event that you encounter a quality issue, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We may request additional information or photographs to better understand the issue. We will then work with you to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, which may include a replacement or refund.